Sunday, 31 March 2013

Olly Murs!

Post #3

Concert: Olly Murs

Performer: Olly Murs

Olly Murs is your typical Pop/Hip-Hop kind of singer. He always tries to give all of his songs justice by trying to perform them to the highest quality.  He writes or co writes many of his songs as basically his whole of the latest album 'Right Place Right Time' is written by him and some big writers in LA, and trust me they wrote some amazing songs! In the whole he has a fine voice with his own little tweak, and always tries to put on a show!

What a Performance! That is all I can say, we went to the O2 and one of us said that Olly Murs wasn't his type of music, but by the end of the night he said I am now a big fan of Olly Murs. He really tries to the connect with the crowd. After the first song he started talking about how much he din't want it to snow and that he thinks that, that night would be the best. Also he says funny things like 'they say when you are nervous, picture the whole crowd naked........ you all look lovely tonight'. You can order his Latest album 'Right Place Right Time' now on itunes for £5.99 and his latest single 'Army of Two' on itunes for 99p which I think is a bargain as I listen to it atleast 10 times a day.

You can follow Olly on twitter @Ollyofficial, you can find him on youtube as OllyMursVEVO

Rating 9.5/10

Loveable Rogues!

Post #2

Concert: Olly Murs

Performer: Loveable Rogues (Supporting Act)

This band that started in CPA Studios in Essex, are a band consisting of 3 amazing musicians Sonny, Té and Eddie. The band bring a unique twist to the usual three-piece setup, replacing drums/percussion for a ukelele played  by Sonny. Despite an obvious hole in the rythmic section of the band, their timing and rhythm is solid even when they play more challenging songs and rythms.

These guys are all real showmen and performers! Not only are they amazing singers and musicians, but between every song they make sure the crowd is having fun! They were so funny in between songs talking about what they want the crowd to do in the songs they sing. If you want to have fun at a concert and listen to great music then we would definitely reccomend these guys. They play quite a few different genres from Pop to Reggae. At the O2 they played 'What a Night', 'Nuthouse' and a Reggae song called 'Sweet Lovin'! They were amazing and fun all night,currently they are recording their first album, I can't wait to purchase it, and I reccomend it to everyone.

'What a Night' is their new single which is coming out on 21st April 2013, and I believe it is going to be a great hit.

Go to their Youtube Channel LoveableRoguesVEVO, and go to their twitter @LoveableRogues!


Rating 8/10

Tich (Amazing New Singer)

Post #1

Concert: Olly Murs

Performance: Tich (Support Act)

Tich, being a young performer trying to make her way up the music chain, has done herself good after a string of amazing supporting performances on tour with Olly Murs and JLS. Recently, we were able to see her perform live at the O2 on the last stop of Olly Murs' 2013 tour. She opened the gig with five songs including 'What I Meant To Say', her new single 'Dumb' (coming out soon), 'Breathe In Breathe Out', 'Seeing Red' and her own rendition of Taylor Swift's hit song 'I Knew You Were Trouble'.

The young and new singer has recently benn compared to the american singer Taylor Swift, as she apparently writes her own songs about ex-boyfriends but recently in an interview with OMG! she insisted that she doesn't just write about ex-boyfriends, but about past experiences We believe her writing ability is wider than some allow her to take credit for and that with the publicity she is already getting from the likes of Olly Murs, JLS and One Direction's Louis Tomlinson she could well be the next big British music export.

Her new single comes out on 28th April 2013 and we recommend checking it out!!!

Check her out on Twitter @Iamtich and on Facebook at Tich, and finally check her out on youtube at Iamtichmusic

Rating 7.5/10